Reg Organizer v6.21 + Portable | 13 Mb
Reg Organizer is an extensive and extremely powerful set of Registry tools required for effective System Registry management. This software lets you view, edit and safely clean the Registry. It allows to preview the Registry files you want to import (including the ability to preview files directly from Windows Explorer). Includes Registry cleaner, which will safely compact, repair and optimize the Registry. With Reg Organizer you can thoroughly search the Registry to find all the keys related to a certain application - Reg Organizer does this job quicker and better than other similar programs. Other Reg Organizer features include the ability to find and replace the Registry entries, automatic Registry cleanup, Disk Cleanup tool, access to many undocumented Windows features. Plug-in expandability gives unlimited possibilities of third party enhancements.
Key features:
• Registry Editor to view and edit the registry to perform various operations c keys and values of the registry, export and import values of keys, etc.
• Clean Sweep Registry to search for unnecessary registry entries, as well as to find and fix problems in the registry.
• Registry search feature can find all keys related to a certain application and delete them if necessary. This is useful, for example, when an application does not uninstall the program, and after removing it "manually" in the registry are unnecessary entries, which can lead to abnormal functioning of other applications. At the same time, Reg Organizer provides the deepest search and can often find even those keys associated with the application, which are not found in other similar programs.
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